WP 6 : Education, ocean literacy, Art and science

Within work package 6, the team highlighted some projects, mixing scientists and mediation. First, there are two projects for schools: « Mon lopin de mer » and « Débattre sans se battre ».

Mon lopin de mer : a serious game to create emotional and affective links with the Ocean. (hhtp://monlopindemer)

In the course of the game, primary school children will learn about and recognise different marine environments and the links we have with them.

Débattre sans se battre : sessions with some exchanges and animations to help teenagers fighting fake news and learn how to argue and develop their opinion (Video of presentation)

For Ifremer and the Petits Débrouillards association, it's a way of introducing teenagers to the issues being debated about the Ocean, enabling them to develop skills such as speaking out in public debate, understanding the scientific method and thwarting fake news. All led by dedicated mediators and scientists.

And because raising awareness on the ocean is for everyone, two types of project were also develop for LIFEDEEPER : « DEEP SEA SPY », a participative science project ; and others projects mixing Art and Science, like SPLUJ/DONVOR.

Deep Sea Spy : including the public in science thanks to a special program using their contributions to increase datas. (https://www.deepseaspy.com/en)

Directed by the laboratory of deeps environnements, this project of participative science aim to make discover public the diversity of life living in the deep sea, using the contribution of this public in observations and descriptions of hydrothermal sites located at 1700m depth

Art & Sciences : SPLUJ/DONVOR, theater plays to introduce the actors of science. (https://www.teatrpiba.bzh/project/spluj-laboratoire-4/)

The SPLUJ/DONVOR radiophonic theater plays, co-created in 2018 by Ifremer scientists and the theater company Teatr PIBA, proved to be an excellent tool. They raised public awareness of the challenges facing deep-sea ecosystems. They also sparked discussions about the political, environmental, and ethical issues of exploiting deep-sea marine resources. To date, over 20,000 spectators have attended a play.