The protection of the deep seabed, the largest biome on the planet, is a major challenge for future generations.

LIFEDEEPER intend to develop new approaches, combining in situ, in vivo, and lab experimentations, modeling and qualitative research in social sciences to disentangle the geological, geochemical and biological natural functioning of deep ocean ecosystems.


Scientific coordinator M-A Cambon Bonavita – Ifremer

Workpackages leaders

WP1  M-A Cambon Bonavita – BEEP Ifremer and E Pelleter - GeOcean Ifremer

WP2 E Pelleter  - GeOcean Ifremer, E Roussel and PA Dessandier - BEEP Ifremer

WP3 C Cathalot GeOcean Ifremer and C Vic  - Lops Ifremer

WP4 F Pradillon - BEEP Ifremer, D Jollivet - CNRS and M Zbinden – AMEX Sorbonne Univ

WP5 V Muni-Toke - IRD and D Bailly - Amure UBO

WP6 J Sarrazin  - BEEP and J Burdallet - DCOM COMEXT-ME Ifremer